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Mo's Art Media

Welcome to Living with MS and Faith

 Don't let Multiple Sclerosis scare you. 
There's beauty even in that.

 Whether you’re new, nearly new or a seasoned MSer there is much light to be found.

I hope I can inspire you to strengthen your faith. It will pay huge dividends.

     During the first seven years of having MS (from a graphic designer to a disability pension) I made mighty beginnings down various alternative health roads. I found patches of light that kept me going, but they didn’t last. It was like a big game of hide and seek, moving in and out of the light trying to outdo the dark. Until 2015 when I moved into the light permanently. 

     I came to Christ in 1990 but never really knew what that meant or how it could help me. And it wasn't until living with MS that my faith to a deepened joyous point I thought could never last. But here I am stronger than ever ten years later. Yes, MS did turn to Secondary Progressive and yes, I did move into assisted living but its worked out beautifully.

     I’m convinced if we heal our insides, it gives our outsides the best chance to follow suit. I'm not saying you'll be rid of MS but I am saying it can become the less-factor in your life, or at least it has in mine. 

     When Covid hit, big as it was, it didn’t overwhelm me nor dampen me. MS had put me ahead of the curve. It slowed the world down to my pace so people could see for themselves the joy to be found living at that pace, one tiny bite at a time. 

     Regardless of MS or Covid or any other major obstacle, dreams can trickle back. Some of mine have been realized, others were transformed. Still others, I’m working on. The disease doesn’t define me, nor does it for you.

     I hope you find something here to inspire you to follow your dreams. Because we are all beautifully wonderfully made.



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